dad and kiddo reading a hooray heroes personalized christmas book

Christmas Gift Ideas That Will Put Santa to Shame

A father and child reading Hooray Heroes Christmas book for daddy and 1 kid.
What a beautiful way to spend Christmas morning!

Christmas is a holiday where we’re meant to relax and enjoy spending time with family, but, honestly, it doesn’t always work out that way. Sometimes the worst of it will be a burnt turkey or lumpy mashed potatoes. Other times, it’s the stress of finding the perfect gift that gets to us. Though we can’t do much to help out in the kitchen, Hooray Heroes knows gifts like no one else and we’ve definitely got what you’re looking for!

A Personalized Gift for Christmas

What do you get for the person that has everything? Well, we say what could possibly be better than a personalized Christmas gift? Hooray Heroes’ custom books are the perfect present for adults and children and you get to make them yourself. And it only takes a few minutes! Don’t believe us? See for yourself!

Create your characters by browsing through our wide variety of customization options: names, nicknames, skin tone, eye colour and shape, hair style and colour, facial hair, and even accessories (glasses, freckles). Once your characters are just right, you then choose the stories that will appear in your book (you can read each and every one of them before you order!) and the order they will appear in, write a sweet message as the dedication and choose the cover type for your book (hard or soft cover).

Christmas Books

Here at Hooray Heroes, we’ve got books that are sure to bring the Christmas magic and will make a beautiful gift to put or find under the tree!

Jack’s 10 Christmas Wishes for Mommy

Our number one Christmas bestseller, by far! In this personalized book, your child sends 10 heartfelt wishes to an adult they love. It could be Mommy or Daddy, Stepmom or Stepdad, a guardian, a very special Auntie or Uncle, the possibilities are endless!

Each story is totally heartfelt and the child’s wishes convey the love they have to share with options like “To Always Make Mommy Smile” or “More Adventures With Daddy”. This book truly
comes to life through fun and vibrant holiday-themed illustrations and focuses on what really makes Christmas magical – being together.

Because you get to select and insert the name and nickname of the adult in the book, it really can be for just about anyone who has earned a top spot in your child’s heart!

This book is also available as a Premium Edition with 5 extra stories!

Holly, 10 Reasons I Love You More Than Christmas

Looking for THE gift for your boyfriend, husband, sweetheart, wife, partner, etc? This is one that is sure to make your other half melt into a cuddly pile of goo: our personalized Christmas book for couples!

Let your significant other know how much you appreciate having them in your life. This book is a variation of our bestselling book for couples, and features Christmas stories and a wonderfully festive cover.

A Premium Edition of this book is also available which includes not 10, but 15 reasons you love them to give it that extra fancy Christmas glow (from within)!

An illustration from a Hooray Heroes Christmas book for couples.
An illustration from a Hooray Heroes Christmas book for couples.Ugly Christmas sweaters (unfortunately) not included!

Other Books Sure to Ring All the Right Bells at Christmastime

With over 40 books available for personalization, we’re sure to be your one-stop shop for Christmas.

Books for Dad

Discover the books in our collection that include Dad and one or more children. Our most popular selections include our “You’ll Always Be My Little Boy/Girl” series taking Daddy on a journey through the little pleasures of everyday life or “When Mia Grows Up” showing Daddy what his little one could grow up to be. Savour and preserve every precious moment you spend together by starring in your very own book!

Books for Mom

For Moms, as for Dads, we have the beautiful installments of our “Always Little” series (Mom + 1, 2 or 3 children). If you’re really looking to create an amazing Christmas gift for your mom, we would highly recommend “I Love You Mom“, so that you can let her know exactly why she’s always been your hero. This book is also available as a version that is gifted by Daddy + 1 child and is called “Happy Mommy Day.”

The cover of the Hooray Heroes personalized book, Happy Mommy Day.

Books for Kids

What could be better than receiving a personalized book as a Christmas gift? And we know that kids love seeing themselves as the heroes in their very own stories!

Our books will take your kiddos on amazing adventures with their siblings or with their pets. Coming to Canada soon, get ready for a scavenger hunt, haunted houses, circus canons and other wacky adventures!

So clearly there’s no reason not to get to it! Besides, you’ll be making Santa’s job a little easier this year🙂