Personalized book
Ella, Alexis, Daddy Will Always Love You
Book for Dad
You love him and he loves them! This high-quality book filled with amazing illustrations of your loved ones is the perfect Father's Day gift for Daddy. From you or the kids. In this personalized book, two siblings grow up and team up on adventures of their own, but Daddy is never far behind. This perfect Father's Day gift idea for Daddy and two kiddos alike adorably captures how the little memories made together create the bond they’ll cherish forever.
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- CA$ 56.99
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- Over 3 Million Books Sold
- Our books for kids and their families have been personalized over 3 million times! Some readers laugh, some (most!) cry tears of joy – create yours now and let the emotions run wild!
- For Daddy + 2 Kiddos
- All the emotions from this personalized bestselling series can now be shared with two siblings! Vibrant illustrations and cute, rhyming stories ensure sibling fun for everyone!
- Perfect Gift for Daddy
- The best birthday, Valentine's Day, Christmas, birthday, or Father’s Day gift! Daddy will love reading this personalized book – narrated by him – to his two kiddos now and cherish it long after they’re all grown up.